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Unlike other job sites that have ad listings for thousands of different types of positions, CBDriver is focused on one thing: courier driver job opportunities. Companies needing independent contractor drivers with their own vehicles (small business owner-operators), advertise to find the best professional drivers by posting Driver Contract Job Ads on CBDriver.
As an independent contractor driver, you can find new driving opportunities in two ways: 1) Respond to driver job contract ads and 2) Advertise your driving business for free by posting a Driver Available Ad on CBDriver.
We also provide additional driver resources, including:
The majority of driver contract job ads on CBDriver are looking for drivers with these vehicle types: Car, SUV, Minivan, Crossover, Cargo Van, Sprinter, Covered Pickup, and Box Trucks. These ads are driver job contracts for local and regional delivery work. We also have driver ads for drivers with flatbeds and tractor-trailers.
A driver contract job is a 1099 – Independent Contractor (IC) driving opportunity. The IC driver is not an employee of the company with the driving opportunity but is an outside contractor with his/her own delivery business and vehicle.
Driver Contract Job listings include the type of vehicle(s) the company needs for its delivery contract. The compensation for each driving opportunity is different, based on the size of the vehicle, the distance of delivery, type of freight, and other factors. As an Independent Contractor, you should review the delivery contract rate being offered and other variables to determine if this driving opportunity is acceptable to you. You are responsible for your vehicle costs, insurance, and fuel, as well as filing your taxes as a self-employed driver business with all applicable self-employment taxes.
Register and create a free CBDriver account. There are no fees or charges for our basic membership. Once registered, you can search for driver contract job ads posted by companies needing drivers throughout the U.S.
Yes, there are driver employee job listings on CBDriver. Those ads will say Full or Part-Time Employee and Company Provided Vehicle in the heading.
Each driver contract job is different. The company posting the ad determines the compensation for the driving opportunity, which is based on the type of vehicle needed, your experience, delivery distance and frequency, and other factors. When you respond to a driver ad on CBDriver, the company posting the ad will receive your response and profile. The company reviews your information and will contact you directly (by phone or email) if they feel you meet their requirements.
Remember to keep your profile updated!
If the recruiting company contacts you, that is the time to ask all your questions about the driving opportunity: days, times, frequency, pickup/destination, compensation $$, etc.
You may be contacted directly by the recruiting company - by phone, text or email.
When you respond to a driver ad on CBDriver - the company posting the ad will get your driver profile. Your profile includes your email address and your phone number, as well as any information you included when you created your profile: your city, type of vehicle, model/make, mileage, experience, etc. The company will review your profile and if they feel you meet their driving requirements, may contact you directly - either by phone or text or email.
If the driver ad contains other options or ways to contact the company such as an email address, phone or website link to apply on their company site - we recommend you also respond using these additional ways. 1) Respond on CBDriver and 2) respond using other options provided by the recruiting company if provided in their driver ad.
CBDriver is a driver website where you can advertise your driving business for free! Register and post a Driver Available Ad, which includes your driver profile. Companies needing drivers can search CBDriver’s database and can find you if you have posted a Driver Available Ad. They can review your profile and contact you directly. Advertise yourself by posting a Driver Available Ad on CBDriver today!
When you register for free, you will also create a driver profile that helps companies with driving opportunities, review your information quickly. The driver profile includes your contact information, type of vehicle, make and model, mileage, year, state of license, DBA name (if any), Master Contractor (if you oversee other drivers / multiple vehicles), background questions, and experience. If you upgrade to the premium account option, your profile also includes a “front page” where you can upload a picture of your vehicle and list your top qualifications/highlights to stand out to recruiters.
Your profile is kept securely in our database, and you can easily update or change the information in your profile when you log in to your account. When you want to apply to driver contract jobs listed on CBDriver, click respond, and your saved profile is included in the reply sent to the recruiting company.
Once you register, you will begin to receive email alerts when new driver contract jobs are posted in your area. To respond to a job posting, click the Quick Apply button in the email alert. It’s easy to apply to new driver contract jobs from your mobile device. You can also log in to and reply to driver contract jobs from your account.
Your online account keeps a record of all the driver contracts you have applied for — login to the CBDriver dashboard with your email address and password. You will see a history of all the driver job ads you've responded to in your account.
Login to your CBDriver account with your email address (username) and password. From your dashboard, you can:
CBDriver is free for all drivers. We offer an optional premium account, which provides additional features to help promote your driving business. Premium members have an upgraded driver profile and can upload a picture of their vehicle to their profile. As a premium member, when you respond to companies posting driver ads, your response is listed higher than non-premium members. It includes a star, so recruiters can see you have a Premium profile.
To cancel, please email with your request to cancel. Please include your name and email address.
If you have additional questions, please email the CBDriver team at
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