Driver - Independent Contractor- Office Supplies Courier (Cargo Van Required)

Driver - Independent Contractor- Office Supplies Courier (Cargo Van Required)


Date Posted/updated: 12/9/2024

Nation Forward Inc

Type Vehicle Location Insurance Experience Special Requirements
Not Employee
Cargo Van Jacksonville, FL - 32207 $0 Any Amount None
Nation Forward Inc is a logistic company based in Cheyenne, Wyoming with a large footprint in the Midwest and Southwest region of the United States providing a superior delivery solution for all types of customers.

We are seeking 5 Cargo Van Delivery Couriers who can complete deliveries in the Jacksonville, FL and surround areas market.

- Must have a Cargo Van
- Must be 18+ years of age
- Must have a Smart Phone
- Ability to get in and out a vehicle frequently

Job Descriptions:

Drivers can Start Route at 5am or 6am; In the mornings drivers come in to their assigned lane which will have the paper cartoons and small boxes (sometimes desktops as well) on a pallet. These items have to been scanned and loaded into your cargo van. Once out on route driver will use a Mobile App to collect signatures and photos of what they delivered. Below are the routes available

Routes Available: 
Route 1- Jacksonville Beach Area
Route 4- Fernanda Beach & North Jacksonville
Route 10- Downtown Jacksonville 
Route 6- South Jacksonville
Route 5- Saint Augustine

If you qualify please send email to : or call 307-316-6175

Your email address will be your username when you log into your account.

Must be 8-15 characters long and include both letters and numbers. Only special characters allowed are ! and #.

You will be automatically enrolled as a free member of CBDriver and your driver profile will be saved in your secure - privacy protected CBDriver account so you can respond quickly to any ads you see today or in the future on CBDriver.

In responding to this ad, you consent to receive notifications via email or SMS text relating to driving opportunities listed on CBDriver.

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